  1. 概述
  2. 特性
  3. 需求
  4. 画廊
  5. 下载


Sculptris是一款简洁、强大且易于使用的三维造型软件,让艺术家只需要简单地专注于创作惊人的3 D艺术品。与数位艺术经常相关的乏味的技术约束已经一去不复返了。



Sculptris艺术家: Taron Baysal
Sculptris Artist: Barry Croucher

更重要的是,你通过Sculptris学习的技能可以直接转化至 ZBrush。你用Sculptris创建的模型甚至可以通过点击一下 GoZ™按钮的功能,就被发送到ZBrush中使用!


ZBrush是当今天市场上应用最广泛的数位雕塑程序和行业标准。当你准备将你的Sculptris创作带到下一个细节等级,渲染和集成至哪怕是最大的项目,我们都欢迎您选择 ZBrush 运用其稳固、独特的地位、独一无二的革命性工具。

Explore the World of Sculptris

Introduction to Sculptris
Start with a sphere of virtual clay and shape it into whatever you want it to be. This is made possible in Sculptris by its amazing ability to locally redefine the internal structure of the model.

3D Sculpting
In Sculpt mode, you can edit the mesh geometry with simple brush strokes. Think of this like using sculpting tools on a lump of real-world clay.

3D Painting
In Paint mode, you can use brushes to paint a texture that is wrapped (also known as mapped) onto the surface of your mesh.